Ny leksak/New Toy

Will do this in Engslish only…

The other day I got myself a new compact camera since my old Canon Ixus 60 has gone to meet its maker after 11 years of service.

What I got is the gorgeous and very competent Fujifilm XF1, the simplest in Fuji’s X-series.
Here you can see it:






There are many reviews of this camera all over the the world wide web so I won’t post any here. Just a couple of photos shot with this camera:

Close up on low light XF1 DSCF0073

Ombyggnad / Refurbishing

Under den närmaste tiden kommer denna sidan att göras om, utan att stängas  ner. Det innebär att den grafiska utformningen kan upplevas som rörig samt att innehåll kan tas bort och läggas tillbaka lite slumpvis…

Jag ber om ursäkt för det besvär detta medför.


During a period I will refurbish this site, without closing it down totally. As an effect the graphical elements can be somewhat disturbed and content be deleted and/or moved around randomly.

I apologize for any inconvenience this will bring.
